Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Abex as a name where letters in your name tell what powers youll have
Lauren loves vanilla scent

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Of those same things. Its the wisest who rememer to cherish them, time and time again.
Father with a loving smile upon his face. Ahh, what it is to live and love. To settle and enjoy those joys even when most oters have grown tired
A young girl walks down the busy street, in shorts and a sports shirt too big for her, boasting about the small joys in life to a buisness clad f

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Contol of the leet, xcase cd
Heart of a dog, master of margerita
Dance dance dance, wind up bird chronicle, kafka on te shore.
Infinite jest
Iruki murikani
Geek love catherine dunn

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

There's a country wide tomato crisis. Whats that all about?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Presents should never make or break a relationship.
The confidence behind lines is what makes even an inexperienced drawing a masterpeice-and why childrens drawings find their way to the fridge.
It's incredible what people talk about while sitting in starbucks. Listening to them is like getting to know people ill never see again.
Cinnimon venti iced coffee-- my way of passing the time. *inhales sweet AC air and texts friends*
Locked out of the apartment- steve's not picking up his office or cell phone... This is interesting. Time to go enjoy the heat
As of tomorrow this blog shall be something new and exciting!
I think it's about time to try blogging right from my phone- I never seem to want to write about things after they happened.